LEROY ANDERSON (1908-1975) (American composer, arranger, conductor) "SLEIGH RIDE " The song was originally written in 1948 as an orchestra piece, and not considered as a Christmas tune, till the lyrics were written in 1950 by Mitchell Parish. In 1999 sleigh ride was used in the movie "Jack Frost" ---------------------------------------------------------------- For a biography and L.Anderson's works, check out The Music and Life of Leroy Anderson (1908-1975) http://www.pbs.org/sleighride/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- sheet music and recordings , biography http://www.leroyanderson.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- a brief biography and some midi files of the compositions http://www.classical.btinternet.co.uk/anderson.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------- info at Perfessor Bill Edwards ( the bottom of the web page) http://www.perfessorbill.com/index1.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------- from Encyclopedia Britannica http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/0/0,5716,2440+1,00.html ---------------------------------------------------------------- A music essay on the life of Leroy Anderson http://www.abslogic.com/LeroyAnderson.htm click "back" button on your Browser to go back to "SLEIGH RIDE " http://musictoons.tripod.com/wintertoons/sleighride.html